9 02, 2016

How do we know we are getting our loved one’s ashes?

2016-02-09T17:53:06+00:00February 9th, 2016||Comments Off on How do we know we are getting our loved one’s ashes?

A cremator will only fit one coffin at a time. Once the cremation is completed, the remains are put in an separate, identified container, so there is no chance of a mix up. All cremations are governed by a strict code of practice, which is on display in the crematorium.

9 02, 2016

Can you explain what happens to the coffin?

2016-02-09T17:52:26+00:00February 9th, 2016||Comments Off on Can you explain what happens to the coffin?

The coffin is taken to the crematory, the nameplate checked and the coffin is then placed in the cremator with an identity card attached. Once cremated, the remains are removed from the cremator and after being cooled, are reduced to ash in a cremulator. The ashes are then placed in an urn or casket for [...]

9 02, 2016

What can we expect at the crematorium?

2016-02-09T17:51:41+00:00February 9th, 2016||Comments Off on What can we expect at the crematorium?

Family and mourners should be seated in the crematorium at the arranged time, where the coffin will be placed for everyone to view. Depending on your choice of service, hymns, prayers, songs and eulogies will follow. As the end of the service approaches, curtains will usually be drawn to hide the coffin from view, although [...]

9 02, 2016

Can I have a service with cremation?

2016-02-09T17:51:17+00:00February 9th, 2016||Comments Off on Can I have a service with cremation?

Yes. You can have a conventional religious service, a non-religious one, or no service if you prefer, prior to the deceased being removed to the crematorium.

9 02, 2016

What procedures must be followed before the cremation takes place?

2016-02-09T17:50:57+00:00February 9th, 2016||Comments Off on What procedures must be followed before the cremation takes place?

You will need to provide a medical certificate, which we can arrange on your behalf. The medical practitioner charges a fee for this service. If the deceased has a pacemaker fitted, this will be removed before cremation. Other items, including jewellery and glasses will also be removed.